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About us



The Center of General Education was established on August 1, 1998, and has begun offering general education courses since 1999 in line with the University General Education Regulation and Policy as administered by Ministry of Education, R.O.C.

Our Mission

To build up students’ basic knowledge of people, society and nature.

To familiarize students with contemporaneous major issues, solutions, and main-stream thinking and research of other disciplines.

To cultivate students’ competence and confidence of discovering and analyzing problems, and develop their critical thinking ability.


The Center of General Education is responsible for planning undergraduate liberal arts courses, which lay the foundation for the core value of university education and offer extensive knowledge structure, in addition to students’ professional training programs. Through continuing cross-disciplinary interaction, general education curriculum offers opportunities for CCU students to explore human beings, society, and nature, and provides in-depth understanding of civilization and achievement of the human race.

Major Tasks

Coordinating general education courses with various academic departments across CCU’s 7 colleges, including curriculum design and arrangement to enrich teaching resources for CCU faculty.

Reviewing general education courses offered by academic departments.

Planning and organizing general education courses for undergraduate programs.

Initiating and maintaining “CCU Artist-in-Residence” programs.

Designing and providing “Service & Learning” programs/opportunities.

  1. 規畫本校學生通識教育架構,以具通達、博雅之綜效。
  2. 協助各學院協調所屬學系訂定大學生應修習的通識課程,及確立各系(所)所能支援的通識教育課程與師資。
  3. 定期召集會議檢視,審核通識教育課程師資及內容。
  4. 執行高等教育深耕計畫。 辦理「服務...

Location Map

Location : 1F, Building for General Education



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